Saturday, July 28, 2012

Greece has the most beautiful islands

Greece has the most beautiful islands in Europe, followed by Spain which remains in second place. This is the result of an international survey Zoover comments made by rental, with over 14,000 responses.

Visitors from 17 international websites Zoover ( could indicate their preferences on which European country has the most beautiful islands.

Greek Islands, big winners, followed by the Spanish islands.

Greece proved to be the winner. 44% of the total votes were given to the islands of this country. The second place went to Spain, with more than 17% of the vote. The islands of Croatia won 16% of the vote, remaining in the third.

Samos Island is best appreciated in Greece

Based on feedback Zoover on websites, the island of Samos is regarded as the best Greek island. Samos is famous for its authentic nature, its white villages and colorful fishing ports. The people of Samos island to try to preserve the maximum, for example putting many restrictions for the construction of tall buildings.

Zoover A visitor tells of Samos: You are precious and intimate white sand beaches and many picturesque ports. The hills of the interior have lush vegetation. The island has an average rating of 8.6. The islands Karpathos and Lesbos are highly valued.

Good appreciation of the Spanish islands

The Spanish islands remained in second place overall in the percentage of the vote. Zoover Spanish users have it yet clear to them the Spanish islands are the most beautiful, they gave 51% of the votes, leaving Greece in second place with 24%. The average of all Zoover international assessments of the most popular Spanish islands is high, no low score of 7.6, being the top rated island El Hierro (8.2), Ibiza and Formentera (both 8.0 ) followed by Fuerteventura and La Gomera (both 7.9).


The survey draws attention to the islands of Portugal were just voted. It is striking because there are Portuguese islands such as Madeira and the Azores are quite popular holiday destinations and with very good ratings in the international web Zoover.

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