Thursday, July 26, 2012

What is involved in limerence?

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look ... it becomes a habit. Peter Ustinov

You mean when you point the limerence. Precisely clear to us the Encyclopedia, the limerence concept originated in the investigation of Tennov to mid-1960. She did an experiment where he interviewed on the topic of love around five hundred people. Tennov coined the term "limerence" in 1977, published in 1979 in his book Love and limerence: The Experience of Being in Love ("Love and limerence: the experience of being in love").

We add that limerence (anglicized from limerence) is the name proposed by psychologist Dorothy Tennov for involuntary cognitive emotional phenomenon occurred in some people and linked to courtship. Tennov was discovered in an attempt to scientifically study the nature of romantic love in the mid 1960's.

The limerence can sometimes be exactly what you're trying to express when he says he is "madly in love" (in English "having a crush"), although this state as opposed to a love at first sight it may take months, years or even a lifetime. It is characterized by a large number of intrusive thinking and pronounced sensitivity to external events that might reflect the disposition of limerent subject to the individual. Can be experienced as intense joy or as extreme despair, this may vary depending on the situation regarding the other person.

We add and comments that Tennov links it to love it apart from other emotions by asserting that:

Love that triggers a person limerence involves concern for the welfare and feelings of others, in which cases may be excessive, in some cases to produce syndrome and attention deficit disorder in their scale of priorities. Affection and love are produced in the limerence as a permanent provision for another person, but in contrast with these, does not demand that those feelings are mutual. Sex or physical contact with the object limerent is neither necessary nor essential nor sufficient for an individual experiencing limerence, unlike one experiencing sexual attraction. The excitement of the feeling produced in the limerence thrives on open communication and mutual understanding, and is seen as a positive interpersonal experience. It is characterized by its intensity, which reaches to produce uncertainty and anxiety in the individual. Reference is made also that is involuntary While in the field of psychology have studied various causes for this phenomenon. The most accepted indicates that there are 2 factors that trigger the limerence:

Love, and is the product of a strong bond of friendship, or a precursor to the person in love. Obsession. There are no clear causes. This factor is often treated as involuntary. It is said that the obsession with the person may be caused by a constant positive experience being with a loved one or a permanent estrangement from it. This is also often caused by an individual's personal tendency to obsess about their hopes on this topic more profundosDefinitivamente gives us that, according to a couple psychologists, enthusiasm and passion for 18 months in a relationship, in this period of "crazy in love" which is called "limerence." If after this time is still fluttering butterflies in our stomach and we become anxious when you see your partner, congratulations!, This relationship has a future.

After limerence, the kicker ... to work the relationship! What is important is the connection between the two so that there is sexual tension between them. Mind you, that does not mean there will never be partner discussions. In all couples is good to discuss from time to time and in a constructive and respectful give more life and excitement to the relationship ... and sex (sex incomparable reconciliation).

Can be experienced as intense joy or as extreme despair, this may vary depending on the situation regarding the other persona.Nos adds the source, which experts say, three years occurs a decrease in the ratio in which the defects both become angry and lessens the desire. It is at this point you should take more concrete measures to keep their attention.

The key is to avoid routine, organized activities for them, for friends and relatives of both. And in bed, revive the passion with erotic games, sex toys, striptease, evening romance and the realization of sexual fantasies.

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