Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to Clean a Laser Printer

Color laser printers are not difficult to clean, if you know what you're doing. Clean your printer can often have a high impact on their life and their performance during those years.If clean your printer at regular intervals will be helping to improve the quality of each printed document. Since the cost of color laser printers are still high relative to inkjet printers, it makes sense to pay special attention to cleaning your printer. It is recommended to remove dust and make cleaning the rollers and the glass at least every three meses.Antes to start cleaning your printer be sure to check the information provided by the manufacturer. In this way, you are sure that the procedures for cleaning and maintenance of your printer are set for optimal operation and shall not affect the product warranty, whether posee.Tienes to take special care with the use of household cleaning products because they can damage your printer. They are particularly harmful products have ammonia in their composition. If possible, try to use only a small amount of cleaning solution and remember to always put a little cleaner on the cloth before cleaning, instead of applying the liquid directly on the printer.

This will prevent unnecessary spills and prevent fluid causes damage to the equipment.

Another maximum cleaning printer is off and unplug the machine before starting limpiarlo.Una Once the printer is unplugged, remove the toner cartridges, cleaning up spilled ink with a paper towel. Be careful not to clean up the spill ink with cleaning cloth, because it will be forever tainted. It is also advisable to wear gloves, and to remove the ink from the skin can result difícil.Quita dust inside your printer. Deposits of dust and toner inside the printer can make jams and long term, reducing print quality. That's why regular cleaning is sentido.Vuelve toner cartridges to its original position and turn the impresora.Puedes ask your supplier for office printing sheets pre-treated. Place this sheet on top of the paper tray. If you do not have this kind of leaves, check with your supplier for local office or buy them online. Following package directions, passes the sheet like a copy to absorb the dirt on clean glass rodillos.Para is recommended to use a glass cleaning solution.

If you have questions about which product to use, contact the fabricante.Finalmente, clean the outside of the printer with a dry cloth limpio.El cleaning process color laser printers require a few tools and some skill, but can significantly increase the life of your printer and print quality.

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