Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Direct Mail Advertising Tips For Killer Response

One of my biggest things to remember in advertising is "doing something different."

You do not want to be seen as just another company sending spam. Chances are, your prospect is paid by companies like yours as every week. And also, it is competing with companies that dissimilar bombard your prospect will be spam. Each of them is begging for the attention of your potential customer.

What are you going to do to get their attention?

One of the things I like direct mail is that you can hit your target when no one else around. If you send a personalized mail piece, you'll likely be the only person sending their personal mail that day. You have their attention. If you are interested in cleaning, you have the attention of a super hot prospect.

Direct mail is the best way to keep in touch with your current customers. Do not rely on the business card left them or even a refrigerator magnet. While those are good tools, do not take the place of reminders in the mail.

When you send messages to repeat customers, it's okay to use the bulk mail. However, when sending messages to new prospects, mail bulk makes your mailings look like junk mail. To keep your mailing to be perceived as junk mail, use the first class. Also, make the envelope look like it came from their Aunt Sally. Make it look like personal mail.

Here are some other suggestions to try that cost little or nothing extra:

Send your letter in an envelope invitation

Use a hot pink envelope or other color instead of the standard white

Send a postcard large (half of an 8 ½ x 11 inch page)

Use something other than a banner on your first class stamp

Handwrite the envelope or use a handwritten font when printing

If you can hand write the envelope, do not use labels printing directly on the envelope

Putting something bulky in the bag to intrigue the recipient (patches, pen, etc.)

Include a business card that confirms your offer

Think out of the box. It will take your business to new levels. Your prospects are interested and your existing customers will remain interested .......

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