Friday, September 7, 2012

The marketing world is changing!

Over the last five marketing has changed tremendously. With the advent of the internet and now social media sites, the world of marketing, has literally turned upside down. Interestingly, they were not the ones to start marketing these changes. The change was sparked by consumers.

Consumers are tired of aggressive marketing tactics, and interruptional Directive. -You got tired of companies telling them what to buy and how to spend. Consumers wanted to take part in the purchase decision.
Here are seven reasons why free trade is literally taking over the world:

1. Traditional marketing is losing its effectiveness. Research suggests that the traditional marketing, will be 1/3 as effective by 2010. That means TV commercials, radio ads, newspaper ads and other "traditional types of advertising does not work well as they did several years ago.
2. Interactive Marketing is now. Traditional advertising is not interactive.-However, consumers are now interested in communication and interaction with companies that do business with.
3. Marketing is based on relationships. To be effective, you need to develop relationships with customers before doing business. That's right ... reports first, second, business!
4. Marketing is informative. Your customers are interested in knowing you and your company. You must provide them with valuable resources and information to help them trust and want to do business with you.
5. Marketing is not just for "The Expert" Never again. Traditional marketing was so expensive and complicated that you needed specific training in order to start a marketing campaign effectively. Now, anyone can break into the world of marketing. Although there is still a learning curve is not as steep as it once was.
6. Marketing Free enables you to establish yourself as the expert. There is no better platform of free trade to establish your knowledge and skills. Even better, there are hundreds of places to tap into that for you automatically establish this presence!
7. Grow your business without spending a Dime-A. Gone are the days of spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on marketing your business. Now may be just as effective, if not better, without spending a single penny. What could be better?
Change is in the air! Marketers are now able to effectively and efficiently grow their small businesses on a shoestring budget. And, what's better-FREE in today's economy?...

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