Monday, August 20, 2012

2008 Harley-Davidson VRSCDX Night Rod

When most people think of a Harley-Davidson the first image that comes to mind is a powerful, growling, large motorcycles, traveling with 1500 of their drinking buddies dressed in black with a beard large following the itself. In 2008 Harley-Davidson VRSCDX Night Rod is Harley that shatters the image. Dressed in black, Dracula and the bike would most likely run, the VRSCDX Night Rod is a bad-ass ride. Made in the USA, the Night Rod is made for riders who want a little emotion 'as their guide. Do not miss the complaints of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle is actually a really wild sounding, and as its drivers, who will announce his prescence with authority.

Harley-Davidson jumped into the market in 2002, with the Vrod and cola came from the motorcycle community. The Vrod is a forward thinking, the new model concept was born from a tabula rasa, with nothing borrowed styles from past years.

You have to give Harley-Davidson is not a lot of credit for sticking with the same old styles that have worked well for them over the years. For this company to grow with the market, they needed to produce a model that went against the grain, and Vrod was a slam-dunk for them. Harley has offered a model that was as energetic as they came and took away a part of the Indian market, and even left their American market happy to buy a motorcycle home with serious performance!

In 2008 Harley-Davidson VRSCDX, Night Rod, has a 1250 cc engine that produces 125 horsepower at 62 rpm and 85 foot pounds of torque at 7000 RPM. The engine is liquid cooled and the brakes are 4-piston front and back. The Vrod is already a legend in the Harley lineup, and will for years to come .......

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