Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The dangers of bull bars in road accidents

Do you know what is a bull bar? Many SUV bull bars on the front of their vehicles in an attempt to protect their cars and their passengers in the event of a collision with an animal.

What do they look?

A bull bar is a device that is mounted on the front of the SUV. Is not standard on the vehicle, is added to the vehicle. These bars of various sizes and shape, however, they are usually made of welded steel or aluminum tubes.

Why are they controversial?

In the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe bull bars remain controversial. Although many argue that these devices are useful in preventing accidents, reports indicate that actually cause many deaths. On average, over 2,000 people in Europe die from a collision with a bull bar and a further 18,000 people are seriously injured.


The important people who seem to be at risk when it comes to these common bars are pedestrians. Since most of them are made of metal, if they were to be hit by a car with an attached, injuries could be fatal. However, some people argue that the new technology of these bars is safer for pedestrians. Yet, if this is true, how could it still be effective in preventing collisions with animals?

Do They Make Cars Safe?

While there may be some potential benefits of using a bull bar on your car, the cost seems to prevail in this situation. Research seems to show that drivers can damage the lives of others on the road when you drive with thesel bars on their cars. It is not safe or fair to other drivers on the road, because the metal does not hang well and can do serious damage to other pedestrians on the road.

When they make sense?

So why do people use these bars if you are not sure? The truth is that it makes sense for some cases. If you do a lot of off-road driving and you may be at risk of running into animals, then you should put a bull bar on your SUV. However, if you plan to drive through the streets of England, then you risk the lives of others by driving with a bar like this on your car. Therefore, try to think before acting. Remember, you are not the only person on the street and part of being a good driver to take responsibility not only for themselves but also others on the road. This is a decision that every good driver, make every day. You can do it as well. Good luck .......

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