Friday, August 17, 2012

Mortgage Marketing Ideas - Three steps to a successful marketing campaign

Secrets of successful marketing ideas mortgages

Are you wondering if your ideas are making mortgage marketing? Here's an easy test: if your current marketing campaign is not bringing in the leads, resulting in new customers, or closing more sales, it's time to rethink your strategy.

The best marketing campaign loan does not have to be complex and expensive. You can implement effective marketing ideas mortgages easily - especially if you remember the three golden rules of marketing.

Rule # 1 - Having a specific goal.

A lot of marketing campaigns based on the concept "shoot first, then move the target". These campaigns are large, undefined target customers. If you can not define who your target is, the campaign is not doing the job. Imagine a campaign that targets "people who want to refinance." It will not connect with customers because it is not generating a goal that clearly identifies them. However, if your goal was "people who need to refinance, are more than 55 years of age and plan to retire in the next five years," you have a completely different focus. You can connect with potential customers on an emotional level and be specific. The more specific you identify the target, the greater percentage of your target market will attract.

Rule # 2 - Keep measurable.

Once you have a mortgage marketing campaign in place, how do you measure the success of the campaign? Yes, it should bring in more leads and more sales. But you should be able to quantify exactly how the campaign was successful - and to do so, you must keep track of the numbers. If you start a mailing campaign by sending 2000 pieces of mail, there are a lot of data to be monitored. How much you paid for the materials? How much did you pay in shipping? What was the response rate? What is the response rate has resulted in sales? With careful monitoring of costs associated with the campaign, you can easily determine if the campaign is beneficial, and just as easily delete campaigns rejected or unprofitable.

Rule # 3 - Use a strong call to action.

The best marketing ideas designed mortgages are worthless if not telling the prospect what to do next. The call to action must be clear and direct. Do not make assumptions about the prospects of call. If you do not tell them what to do, it will not. Again, be specific - "Call me today for a free copy of my report" or "Go to my website to receive a free copy of my paper money saving." A simple call to action can make a difference to your marketing campaign and completely change the response rate.

These golden rules of a winning strategy in marketing mortgages may not be complex, but are guaranteed to make the difference between success and failure in your marketing campaigns. Use these secrets to success with mortgage marketing ideas and you will turn your campaigns into Money Makers .......

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