Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Want more traffic? Write More Articles

So you want the most qualified traffic? Then write more articles.

It 's really that simple-and I could not stop the article here. But this small number of words I do not think it would get published.

-So I'm going to create a real live formula for you, complete with letters and signs, and more but not all. But I promise to keep it as simple as "Do you want more traffic?-Write more articles." -I could make it more complicated for you, but why?

Article Traffic Formula

Here is a recipe for highly qualified traffic with your articles


The above formula stands for thematically specific + +-Consistent Massive Action Regular Distribution = highly qualified traffic

Let's unpack this formula so that you can use:

Articles specific topic - the more specific theme of your most qualified traffic will be. It would seem the opposite, (the larger issue of trafficking more) would be true, is not it?

It might be true if all you wanted was any kind of traffic. But if you want a lot of traffic to qualified to make the topic of your articles very specific. This will attract and bring in perspectives that are responding to that specific topic and are therefore more highly qualified.

Regular consistent action - is-I feel all the time. "I tried article marketing and simply does not work!"

Then I wonder-is "How many articles you have out there on the Net?"

Answer: "I worked hard and had 10 published!"

Well there you go. You have to take action consistently and regularly create many articles as you can. The articles will have more traffic.

Massive Distribution - When you get your articles on article directories you can distribute your articles massively around the world. When someone talks about an article directory and then use your articles on your website or blog, you are reaching the other traffic (OPT) throughout the world.

Highly qualified traffic - When you do the three things above on a consistent basis, you get highly qualified traffic. It 's inevitable. When you are regularly distribute articles specific theme that will bring in the most highly qualified traffic on a regular basis .......

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