Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Types of production Outsourcing KPI

Before moving on to discuss production outsourcing KPI, there is a need to define outsourcing. Outsourcing is a business strategy where a company - called clients - landfill activity to another company - commonly defined as the Business Process Outsourcing company - and leaves the task of managing the client's behalf. For example, a company may think it is too much of a hassle to hire people for jobs. What makes this company is to pay another company to manage the recruitment process for them. They provide the company with their specific BPO - employee background, education level, skill sets, etc. - and BPO companies pay for their services.

This is applicable to many industries that do not want to focus on the real production of goods. Many customers want to focus their energies on research - the development of its products in step with the changing times. Therefore, what these companies is to contract a BPO company to do the actual manufacturing process while searching for new things that improve the product.

Relocation, however, is a totally different thing, but it is often confused with outsourcing. Off shore is a business strategy in which a company builds its manufacturing plant or factory in a different country. The company still runs, but only in a different country. This normally happens if the company wants to cut labor costs and taxes. In fact, many manufacturers of famous brands of designer clothing, fast food, and even electronically, they are doing. Just look at the labels of your clothes and you will see where these things are produced.

The first key performance indicator that is increasingly used in the outsourcing industry is productivity. In many cases, this is often called service level. There is a specified quantity or the number of products that must be produced in hours or every day. These numbers are compared with expectations. The BPO companies or clients must be sure to meet the needs of the customer, because if they do not, the customer is very likely to pull out and find another one who can complete the work based on it specific.

Another common metric in the Key Performance Indicator BPO is Quality. Obviously, this is something that customers buy. The quality is also equivalent to the brand. It is for this reason that many people significantly prefer a trademark for another. Customers are very specific about this and are very strict, they do not want an exit or an inferior product to be released on the market. What with all the guarantees which they issue, they do not want to have any other extra expenses because of poor quality. In many cases the production outsourcing KPI, there are customers who can provide this indulgence. However, you should watch out because no customer will find acceptable to have poor quality products on the basis against their specifications. The output of the poorer you are, the more money and resources are wasted .......

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