Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Domain Name Biz Boom! Register domain names and make money online - Learn exactly How To Do It!

Everyone has heard of domain names. If you're reading this then you have definitely heard of them having a typed into your browser or clicked on one to get here! Domain names are the universal means by which you and all other web browsing, just the text string (usually begins with www) that takes us everywhere, from checking e-mail to navigation for the latest video by Missy Elliot. That said, it is easy to see why the domain names have contributed to the success of astronomical and 'coolness' of the Internet. Yup, that's true, the Internet began as a small network of university geeks connecting their computers together so they could get even nerdier. The only reason people like you and me fresh started using the Internet is because it has become so easy to navigate and the Internet has become easier to navigate because of all domain names. If there did'nt we would all be typing long strings of numbers like or 64,233,183,104 instead of, etc instead of ... sounds like fun huh?

So that's what we know about domain names. However, far more important is what you may not know about domains and industry that has grown rapidly around them. There are a lot of money to be made in the biz domain and we are going to tell you everything.

What makes a domain name valuable?

Over 400 million domain names were registered in January 2006 and it is estimated that 20,000 names have been reserved or registered daily. So, what separates a domain name for millions to one that is not even worth the cost to register? Here are some factors that contribute significantly to the value of any domain name.

The Top Level Domain (TLD) extension of the domain name.

. Com and. Net TLD extensions are currently the most popular, because these were the first extensions to be recorded in the early '90s. Domain names on the Internet have come to be defined by these two TLDs. This does'nt mean that this will always be the case. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), which overseas the Domain Name System (DNS) files, approves new TLDs each year and these gain popularity grows over time. Regional TLD is also helping to identify domains related to a particular geographic area. And the United States. EU to be the first examples.

Domain name contains keywords popular

What makes worth six figures and practically worthless? Both domain names are great sounding but shopping online 'is more likely to belong to a specific search term that someone would enter into a search engine. Search engines read the text of your domain name and are more inclined to view the website in the search results for matching keywords. If your company sells a new product, you can call a zigtag, you can get many more visitors to your site by registering the domain name [] rather than http://www. myzigtagstore [. com]. All about 'trafficability' of your domain name and not just traffic but targeted traffic. Targeted traffic means that visitors who come to your website because you have content you were looking for on a search engine for example. Great domain names are key to the ability to automatically drive the targeted traffic from search engines.

Domain Name is generic, short and pronounceable.

Domains keywords can drive traffic from search engines, but a source even more elusive and coveted traffic is direct type-in ​​(ie people typing the domain name directly into a browser). It usually takes many months of online marketing and promotion of a domain name to build high levels of constant type in traffic, but the right domain name can be obtained naturally.,, or are all examples of domain names with great natural type-in ​​traffic. People just expect that when you type will see something that catches their attention as folk artists recording or downloading of music files. Furthermore, if your domain name as short as possible and as pronounceable as possible can dramatically increase its value. Domains that are short and are more easily pronounceable remembered by web surfers, some of the memories that have no more than 'double click' the mouse) and therefore more likely to get targeted traffic type.

The domain name is registered for 10 years or more in advance.

Remember earlier we said that 20,000 domain names are registered every day? Well the same number of domains expire every day. Yup, about 20,000 domains fall by the wayside was registered only for a year or two. This means that thousands upon thousands of pages of links will be lost (if the domains hosted websites developed that is a big problem for many Internet users), or it means that the domain name did'nt have one of the above criteria to make a name domain useful in the first place. Search engines like Google are now starting to get on this and will automatically assign a higher Page Rank (PR) to a web site of registered domain names in 10 years or more in advance. Even if the domain does not host a web site developed, it has registered for several years in advance will make it more attractive for buyers who are accustomed to pay to renew the name of one or two years after getting to you.

Typo Domains

You may be surprised by the number of internet users who can not mean. For the record, we are not. Literally millions of typos of domain names are registered every day. Domain names that are close enough to the spelling of another domain that receives the type of traffic are likely to get many accidental type-ins per month. Although this will increase traffic typo domain, people usually decorate once they see that the page was loaded wrong. The development of a web site on a typo domain that has a content similar to that of the correctly spelled domain is the best method to use for typing errors. The traffic on these domains receive is less targeted than fitting the above criteria for a valid domain name. Even so, a big chunk of revenue for the aftermarket domain name comes from typo domains.

These are the basic principles that you should look for in a domain name that is at least worth registering.

How do I my domain name in Real cash?

Now that you have. Com /. Net domain name that had great keywords and easy to remember you're probably thinking, 'Oh, so I'll just sit here and wait for Bill Gates to give me 7 figures, right? '. The simple answer is that any element becomes useful if used in a disaster (yes, that's a technical term).

Here are some ways to make your job great domain name for you:

1. Develop a website

Develop a website rich in content that is relevant to the keywords that may be in your domain name. This method has an unlimited potential for traffic and earnings. We must not tell the millions that are earned each day by the best sites on the Internet. These sites use a combination of having keywords in their domain name and Web site content that is relevant to those keywords. If you can not find that domain name is keyword rich for your area of ​​interest do not despair. Some of the best websites on the internet simply made up the words or abbreviations that could mean anything, Yahoo and Google to be prime examples. Its all about business development and more on promoting your site and your domain name to earn more of your products or services (or to get publicity) over time.

2.Get involved in the Aftermarket domain.

Millions are traded every day on the internet buying and selling domain names in the aftermarket. If you registered a name that someone else really wants, perhaps willing to pay much more than the price of registration for you. Sometimes, much more. sold for $ 7.5 million, while sold recently for $ 700 000 and a warm sold for $ 100,000. You can have a great domain name, but you'll miss out on figures similar to those if they are not involved.

Here are our top picks of the website domain name aftermarket Buy, sell and discuss domain names. online domain name business, pay a one time membership fee for full access to the forum. Having a great domain name with a fully developed site that you want to sell? This is the place for this. Perhaps the most comprehensive international trading services domain. Use Escrow to ensure that you get what you paid.

[Http :/ / www.Great] The market of choice for domain names.

2. Park your domain name to earn money

Many now offer parking site domain name. With this service you can park your domain name, allowing a parking service like to use the domain to view their ads. They do all the work. All you do is set the nameservers to their domain and with a little 'promotion of the domain name (your part) you can earn money. You will be paid for each person who clicks on ads displayed on your parked page. Some parked domains make up to $ 100 per day, but the really big names can make upwards of $ 1000 per day. Most services, the parking permit to park as many pages as you like so that the revenue potential is unlimited.

To get started in the parking lot domain name is easy and just in all parking services will charge you to park your domain. Here are some of our best parking services rated: along with the sale and trade domain, Sedo has emerged as the leading programs in the parking lot. With hundreds of thousands of dollars paid out daily. One of the most 'services paid parking in the business Another parking service fee. Tens of thousands of domains already parked. Great service outside the United Kingdom. Expect mid-sized payments not as big as the other guys, but they are easy to use and pay on-time.

With all the great opportunities to make easy money in the biz domain name there is no sane reason not to get involved. But do not be fooled. This is'nt a few get rich quick scheme. You will need patience and understanding from the experts, but I assure you that read this article that you've already done half the job. Now that you know exactly what makes a valuable domain name and how to earn money from it you will surely avoid the most common newbie mistakes and is on track to earn some money real fast.

Ready to start, but do not want to spend a lot? Here's our top pick for one of ABSOLUTE name cheap domain registrar on the Internet:

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