Saturday, August 25, 2012

SEO - Keyword Optimization Made Easy

Webmasters or site owners should keep in mind that putting their page on the Internet does not necessarily mean an immediate success. If you look closely during the operation of your site, you may notice that the number of traffic your site generates is not as productive as you would normally expect. It 's necessary to implement SEO on your website to make sure that all Internet users can choose from.

Start with keywords

The basis of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is keywords. Search engines look for information on the Internet by matching the keywords entered by the user with various sites on the web. Incorporating keywords in your page will provide the ranking in search engine results.

But there are some rules to follow to be successful in this internet marketing strategy, and they are:

1. Keyword variations

Avoid putting on a single word that reflects the content of your site. Since the public on-line will have their own interpretation of the information that should be identified from the Web, come with important variants that increase the chance of being selected page from the crowd when a surfer searches the web for information found on the content.

For example, if you sell herbal products on the Web, you can incorporate variations of keywords, such as herbs, herbal, botanical care, alternative medicine, and so on. It is not necessarily stick with the word "herb" as main keyword - try to come up with more keywords and topics that define the products you have on your website.

2. Keyword placement

Cramming all keywords directly on your page does not inspire the success of this strategy of Internet marketing. A webmaster should put the keywords in their description of their own have a high coverage in search engines. The areas of the site which is usually included in the search engine research are the following:

or the title of your site;
Ø or Meta description Meta tags
or headers
or address of the site
or links found on your page
And the content or body of your website.

3. Avoid spam

Some keywords to the webmaster of spam on their page to increase their ranking in search engine results. It is a strategy that must be avoided at all costs. Search engines will incorporate the algorithms that allow them to detect if a site is filled to the brim with keywords. If one of these sites is found, it will be automatically removed or blacklisted from future searches .......

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