Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping Software

One of the most powerful tools used in lean manufacturing is value stream mapping software. The ability to view the current status and future of you company, and be able to analyze and share information is a powerful thing indeed.

Many people have a learning style that depends on the view to learn. Do not just listen, or read, they need to see things taken or placed. When used various means of communication, learning is even more powerful.

An Overview of Value Stream Mapping Software

The production facility can be drawn. This shows in a schematic way, how the process flows, from department to department. This is a logical map of how things work (or works) in an organization. Value Stream Mapping is the overall picture, the flow chart of the whole.

Once you have the big picture, you can begin to break it down into smaller parts. This is a very effective tool to gain control of each operation, while maintaining its connection with the whole.

The more people that are included in this process, the better. When employees feel included, their morale improves, so their productivity increases. Programs that are imposed from above tend to encounter stiff resistance.

In this process, is to trace the current state of your business. This sounds complicated, but with some basic models, is not that difficult. Once the current state is revealed, a map of the future can be made.

The state of the future is more complex and requires more skills and abilities. This can be particularly enlightening and encouraging, because you can see where you might be able to grow and develop.

Value Stream Mapping is an integral part of the lean manufacturing process, and should not be overlooked. This is one of the most powerful tools you can use to improve your bottom line.

Value Stream Mapping Software

There are many great suppliers of value stream mapping software that can help in this way. It would be very foolish to take a piecemeal approach, and it has on you. The benefits increase exponentially when you have an outside, impartial consultant. For this reason, it's a good idea to hire a consultant to help with the full implementation of lean manufacturing.

Some programs use streaming software value Excel spreadsheets to perform calculations and organize data. These programs can save time by allowing you to fill in the blanks, while the spreadsheet does the calculation. You can then follow the tips to develop your plan.

The goal is to reduce waste, and the software should reduce the loss of time doing things randomly.

A good program will include training videos to walk you through the process. It 's one thing to manage when the lean manufacturing consultant consulting is present, but quite another when they are left alone to make the 10,000-foot view of your process!

It should also be able to use them throughout the company. If everyone is on the same page and using the same spreadsheet, communication is much easier .......

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