Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New book criticizes the Afro-Americans who use the word 'NO'

The book is called Bury That Sucka and is a non-fictional account of a scandalous love affair bizarre that the black community has with the N-word, showing how they have been hypnotized by this infamous, diabolical word. Bury that Sucka, to be officially released in late September 2005.

The N-word is a Trojan horse that African-Americans have accepted in their community without realizing or understanding the danger in their actions and reveals why the users of this word really needs to bury that sucka .. . not only for the good of their communities, but the entire country.

There is another race of people on planet Earth, who has taken - or never did - a racial epithet and embraced him with such loving care, as the black community has with the N-word, but it's insulting when this word is used by a non-black.

Then, there is no other racial insult with almost 400 years to build up negative energy, as the likes of N-word. Yes! Bury that Sucka infers that the N-word has power and is impacting and controlling the destiny of a community of unsuspecting people and across America as well.

The book can currently be obtained through the publisher, PublishAmerica visiting the following website: http://www.publishamerica.com/books/10512

For a free copy of the media please contact PublishAmerica at (301) 695-1707, is the ISBN 1-4137-9269-3. Or you can send an e-mail address: huhi3139@aol.com express your desire for a free copy media.

Availability of the book online through sources such as Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble will be the beginning of October 2005. Until then, the book is now available through the publisher PublishAmerica. To learn more about the author and book please visit: http://www.burythatsucka.com ......

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