Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are You Suitable for self-employment?

A recent poll conducted by Yahoo! Small Business
has shown that almost 3 out of 4 Americans have considered
starting their own business. In fact, more than 2,200
adults surveyed, more than half (51 percent) said that
I wish to make their small business within the next 5 years.

Clearly, entrepreneurship is a part of the American dream.
But everyone is fit to be his boss?
Here's a question of 10 quizzes that can give you a quick
idea of ​​your chances of success if you decide to quit
alone. Keep track of the score on a separate sheet
of paper. Be honest. Give yourself a "2" for each "yes"
response, a "1" for each "enough" and a "0" for each "no".

1. Are you organized? You like to make lists and prioritize
your day?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

2. Are you task-oriented? Can focus on a specific task
until it is completed? Or often leave things

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

3. Are you working well with a personal computer?
Do you have good computer skills?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

4. Are you goal oriented? You have 1 -, 3 - and 5-year
projects for which you want to be?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

5. You do not have a large network of friends and colleagues
previous organizations you have worked, or schools and
organizations that belong?
[] Yes [] A little '[] No

6. Are you comfortable serving others? Have you ever
worked in a service role before?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

7. I would characterize as a friendly, cheerful and
easy to get along with?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

8. You mean you have a skill that is marketable
required by other persons or companies?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

9. Are you willing to work extra hours at night or during
weekends to meet deadlines or to make more money?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

10. You make money and be financially secure more
important to you than to have "state" symbols
as a fancy office, expensive car or a big title?

[] Yes [] A little '[] No

Your rating:

Okay, add the total. Remember, you should have
given yourself a "2" for each "yes", a "1" for
any "pretty" and a "0" for each "no".

11-20 = You're certainly suitable for self-employment.

= 6-10 may be suitable for this, but should learn more
and work on the set of skills and service orientation.

0-5 = Do not leave your day job.

Self-employment is not for everyone. It often requires
highly motivated self-starter type person
willing to work long hours every day because
love what you are doing. If you're that type of person ...
maybe it's time to break free and live your dream ....

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