Monday, August 20, 2012

Newbie Internet Marketer - How to structure an article

When you start with writing articles, can be a daunting task, especially if they have no writing experience, and perhaps did not do so hot in high school.

That said, there is a formula you can follow that can help overcome this problem fairly quickly. Before going further, when writing the image to speak with someone, and just type like you are having a conversation with another person. Basically this is what writing is about. As you continue to write, and observe the work of others, you will begin to notice the subtle things about phrasing, the voice and tone.

Here's the basic formula for writing an article.

Tell them what you are going to tell them. This is your introduction. Basically, you are priming the reader to let him know what to expect. What the article is about. You get to say goodbye to the player and create rapport.

Secondly, to tell them. This is the body of the article. Really, what did you find them in this section is the meat. And 'what they came for. You wrote a great title, and get them excited in your intro, now you are going to give them all the points that support its introduction.

Finally, tell them what you said. This is the summary. In another way, we want to reiterate the main lessons that came out of your article. Think of it as an elevator speech ... what they would tell someone if you had an elevator ride to convince them of something. Again, summarize the main points of the body of the article.

Writing articles may seem a big task and scary, but with time and effort, and it improves the use of the form will come naturally. Remember, tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you said! ......

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