Wednesday, August 22, 2012

As a network marketing and affiliate marketing you can use the article to attract visitors to their sites

The use of article marketing has long been regarded as one of the most effective ways in which you can drive traffic to your site or affiliate marketing network.

Why is it so easy to do because they are constantly surprised so few people do this online marketing. I am also amazed at how little I make.

What is Article Marketing?

Well, in its simplest terms, you write an article, that bits pretty obvious, then publish the article to an article directory online and, hopefully, website owners come and read it, and then if it is good enough , you can get picked up and published on their websites. Told you it was simple, I did it myself

So why would anyone want one of our items for us web site?

Well, if you are a webmaster you can get fresh and informative articles for your site without having to write your own or pay someone to write content for you. If you have your website, then it is important to keep it updated with relevant content, so what better way to do that using someone else.

I do this all the time. If I see something like this might be interesting for my visitors I put on my site, at the same time I always give credit to the original author.

This is fine for the webmaster, But How does that help me to get visitors to my site?

Again this is easy to answer. At the end of each article you are allowed to write a short piece on you with a link to your website. This is what is known as a resource box which is like an add short people pointing to your website.

Now, every time someone comes in and uses your article must keep the resource box and website links intact. Once the content is collected and used in this way, and if it is a very good article, then you can get visitors to your web site for years to come.

Are you starting to see how simple This Is?

Even a mediocre piece of writing you can get a hundred hits a month and this is the month after month.

It 'important that what I write is relevant to your website, unless you're just wasting visitors to your web site.

I always send my article traffic to my personal website and not mine or affiliate marketing network website, so I'm always in control. If a company shuts down, or stop working with the company, then it is easy for me to change the content of my site and only forward.

And 'possible to approach other webmasters and ask them if they want to publish your finished articles, but what is much easier, especially if you're new to all this, is to post online article directories. A Google search for these will lead to thousands but my advice is to use only those with a high Google page rank. In this way you will also get full use back link to your website that will help you with search engine positioning. But for now this is another topic altogether.

I am both an affiliate and network marketing and I know this strategy works and brings people to my websites a day, is cumulative and the more you write the more visitors you get.

I hope you enjoyed my very simple in view of article marketing and perhaps inspired to take the pen / keyboard and make use of this excellent and totally free way to drive traffic to your website .......

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