Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feature Article Writing - Discover 4 Tips incredible feature article writing

In-depth articles are written with the aim to educate, entertain, and persuade readers. Compare with newspaper articles, are written in a more relaxed and have more fun.

Here are some tips to write articles of incredible features:

1. Restart your articles with enticing titles. Keep in mind that the most important part of your article is its title as this is what will attract the public into must be benefit-driven and must be catchy. It should only contain powerful words that can get people to read your article and those terms that can target the emotions.

2. Structure. In-depth articles, just like any other article, consisting of introduction, the article body, and conclusion. Use drama, questions, and mind-boggling statements about its introduction. Your goal is to engage your readers and get them on the edge of their seats. The body of the article on the other hand, is where it expresses the promise you made to your title. This should include any information that your readers expect. Finally, the conclusion should be something that will help your readers remember the whole article.

3. Choose your topic wisely. Focus on human interest as possible. It 's important that you put feeling and emotion on the content because they are your greatest weapons to make people read your articles in their entirety.

4. Always use the active voice. You need to sound like you're having a great conversation with your readers when you write your articles. As such, it is not advisable to use the passive voice at any time. The active voice will surely make your articles look more confident and authoritative .......

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