Thursday, August 2, 2012

Common Mistakes In The Process Of Medical Information 1

There is a clear gap in medical education as the transmission of information is concerned. Instructs us to "descendants of Hippocrates? regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, but not fixed in that we treat and diagnose a human being, a subject, and as it should be conveyed information about their conditions and what to do to care their health.

The problems in informing the patient may be several:

1) The physician is allowed to "spread? by the patient's anxiety and all the proliferation of fantasies about their diagnosis and treatment, so that is quick, sometimes driven by the rush of the patient, sometimes by their own. Thus, it is sometimes possible complications to the patient ahead of the disease have not yet happened, and may not ever happen, or communicate diagnostic unconfirmed suspicions. In this regard, caution must ask our medical colleagues. One tip is to always go behind the patient, not before: you have to follow, strictly answer the questions he made, and not give more information that is material to their already extensive fantasies about his process of becoming ill.

2) Defensive medicine. We call defensive medicine to a phenomenon of the last century, with which we have to tell. Those we love and we want medicine to the patient the best, gives us a certain sadness to note that some doctors "are fighting back patients?, Mourners beings look to us the healing of their ailments, but not only that, human they love, they want to have another life beyond their illness. Defensive medicine invented the informed consent (which horribilis that if you read it, do not operas at all). I recommend that patients do not read these documents frightening, which lists all the possible complications of an intervention that is necessary for the patient and not have to happen, indeed, it is impossible for a patient to take them all at once, and yet "he is forced to know them?.

Patients are not enemies, to guard them generates an aggressiveness that was not before us protegiéramos. Tell the patient everything that can happen, for "just in case? happens and "will not be terminated me? is, in my view, a mistake, likely to generate more complaints eventually when your doctor works quiet, caring for the patient's treatment and without thinking that they will report.

3) Sometimes we dwell Galen give us plenty of explanations to patients about the brilliant diagnosis that we have, we describe the disease as much detail as possible (including symptoms that he has never had), we predict a prognosis that he never for a particular patient is the same as the books say (the statistics are averages of population and each disease in each patient is unique, because nobody has a sick way equal to that of another). This is necessary sometimes because the patient requires it, but sometimes the patient does not want to know, does not want to inform you of all this, and not because this is a way to fend off disease, but because he prefers to wait see what happens to him with the disease, to see how he responds to treatment, prefers to be "patient? (In the sense of having the patience) of reality, waiting for events and not get ahead of them did not tolerate the uncertainty of not knowing before.

The most important thing is to inform the patient of what he can do for your health care, emphasizing aspects of treatment, rather than in diagnosis or prognosis, make him share in their healing, active subject of it.

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