Friday, August 10, 2012

Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

Of course, a must for all those passionate letters, and not so passionate, that boasts of being. Contemporary literature is the last link of LV centuries of writing, its pillars, sometimes forgotten, comfort the basis of what we are today: our Bécquer whose legends have become one, that tuberculosis Stevenson who was not supposed impediment to devise the best novel of pirates, one without which Stoker vampires are nothing but dream, that Poe whose identity was tied to terror, and his muse Shakespeare, Goethe and Werther ... They are the parents of the current narrative. They have put words in our mouth, we have been fed by his wisdom and filled with grace and comfort, but often the teacher dismisses the students and those illustrious figures are loved by generation after generation, no longer seem to shine as before. Its light and went out to many and only a few can see its splendor.

The novel that concerns us today dates from 1818, date also published Jane Austen's Persuasion. This time, the historical level, and seizure is marked by a runaway industrial revolution, which is in the final leg of its first stage, the romanticism and liberal thought invade a society which is far from absolutism and despotism of Age of Enlightenment. Highlighted by authors such as Charles Maturin, Percy Shelley, Matthew Lewis and Ann Radcliffe, most closely linked to the Gothic. Subsequently, following this line, but away from gender characteristics, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce. The narration by letters is very fashionable these years.

Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, is an epistolary novel that court, sometimes encased in gothic or horror genre, far from belonging to either. Although it contains various ingredients of style, elements found in his history closer to romanticism, the countless tragedies that shake the thoughts tinged piece full of melancholy, sadness and despair. Is not without reflection, addressing issues as deep as the soul, human nature and, of course, death.

Very briefly. The book begins with the letters of Robert Walton, a sailor who sails to the pole but whose journey picks up a shipwrecked stranger who calls himself Victor Frankenstein. His new passenger is a mystery to be sorry for memories that seem to haunt and torment. Finally, Victor agrees to rebel cause of his misery and his life starts counting from the beginning, tells how a young doctor is imbued with strange ideas that lead to successfully breed a monster that has just become the executioner of all the happiness that had sheltered so far. Frankenstein is also the first science-fiction text to creating and developing something as utopian as the reanimation of dead matter.

Could be considered the author and a true reflection of his character, given the misfortunes of the young Victor. Mary Shelley was born summer of 1797. His father, William Godwin, renowned politician and writer, had to educate himself, since the mother died shortly after giving birth, a fact much to frustrate the writer throughout his life, although it will be the least of his troubles. Find love in the poet Percy Shelley, who will leak to France, along with her sister Claire. This adventure will not find nothing but misery. In these years of poverty become pregnant and lose the child, a fact left her very distressed and obsessed. Later, during a meeting with friends, there is the proposal to create a story of ghosts, an idea that everyone loves but Mary just met, giving rise to our novel.

Will spend his last days at Harrow, having survived her husband and another son, devastated by the uncaring attitude of his only child, full of apathy and fearful of losing my mind.

Inevitably, the genius of the mortal body prisoner is tied to death and can not find another destination, but his work prevails for ever and ever. In addition to staying in the collective memory, Frankenstein has crossed the boundaries of literature, becoming an icon of cinema and the world of terror. There have been many film adaptations that have tried to recreate it. Sadly, as almost always happens in the film, far from magnifying the story for over a century has done more to debase. Although so far there has been no production conceived worthy of mention (at least for a server), some of them have known some renown. We go back to 1910 to find the first version, a 16-minute film directed by J. Searle Dawley attributed little or less resemblance to the book's title. Frankenstein the true story of 1973, although a little closer, offers numerous and infamous final discrepancies and maimed. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the most recent is perhaps the most reliable (but certainly not acceptable), with a beautiful Helena Bonham Carter and De Niro something short for the character who seeks to represent, on the love scenes, the freedom to reinvent unhealthy and termination, thanks even if the affinity is lack of thought and sins of laconic, compared with the excesses of the rest of the film plot.

We also find comic versions like Young Frankenstein ...

But while the original intention of Mary Shelley was the awe in his novel development took a different hue. Anyone who decides to read it will be absorbed in its pages and is sure to eventually be discovered before it.

Source: The Gazette reader.

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