Friday, August 10, 2012

Poems From the Soul (For My Angels of Light)

Without you, without life.

If you do not see the flowers die come the way of the ground floor. If your eyes never pose in mine I will become blind without knowing the look of love. If your body does not fill this empty space in my arms, a thousand times rather die than live without you life. If you've never heard the sound of your laughter, for my dream home that you would not be sharing a home, but an empty house. Without you my love, what's the point? Where yours would be the promises that they never hurt me? Without you nothing would make sense, because without you it would sound. I never miss your love, I never miss life! Loco closing the doors of the houses in your ways, that you look down your enemies.

That leaves you without your family you've earned. What you see in misery without a penny in his pocket. That in the street and you sleep cold woodworm. Madness overwhelms you and you talk nonsense. No matter what happens to you. Because my doors and windows wide open so you can live with me. If you have colleagues leave you with an ally. They die of envy your friends! For the most beautiful woman you have chosen. Even if you ignore the life in my arms be your home Your home will be with me. If poverty God punishes you provide shelter. Never go hungry while my lips are your bread and your wine and fills you in my body. When you tire of walking through rough and dusty roads, I'll Find Me outstretched arms. If madness reaches you'll be crazy in love Crazy, not wanting to be with me. Awakening No matter what skill, tonight you are mine. Your arms my body imprisoned in your chest and your lips sealed the covenant of our love with a short kiss on my own.

Without realizing it you have saved the agony of my heart And make painting a rainbow of hope in my face. My face is illuminated by the fire of your love. Do not dry my lips Today, today will not close my mouth, your blessing today touched me happiness today has made me crazy. Now gather the magic and experience the pleasure knowing you I am to mine. Today I touched your hand Today I woke to life. I do not care about tomorrow, because today I am yours, love. Tonight we truly love the sun and the moon at the time of love. A silhouette in the shadows that blends with the light and beyond.

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