Thursday, August 2, 2012

World Summit on Food Security

"To strengthen the heart, there is no better exercise to bend down to lift up those who are down." Hunger growing swarms and rapidly through many countries, especially least developed countries, where wipes out a significant number of people, originadoles death. Everything indicates that there is very little accountability, commitment of some governments do not face this reality, face it, to give way to plans, strategies, actions to counter this evil that manifests itself for years on this planet where we dwell. The accelerated marketing in ruthless exploitation of natural resources, coupled with technological development, poor management of some governments, has led to abandon the use of many natural resources, explotándosele, deteriorándosele, at great cost and little equity to distribute the products and minimize all a bit of reality that the current economic scenario presented, hunger, poverty, a very marked imbalance between those who can seize and consume products with respect to what is forbidden. The fact that given the reality of hunger, poverty, action must be taken seriously, commitment, seeking solutions to cope, give way to plans, actions that counter. Do not forget that in November 1996 in Rome Italy noted in the World Food Summit, which is considered intolerable that more than 800 million people around the world, particularly developing countries, do not have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs.

This situation is unacceptable. Food supplies have increased substantially, but the factors that hinder access to food and continuing inadequacy of household and national incomes to purchase food, and the instability of supply and demand, natural disasters and man, prevent basic food needs. The problems of hunger and food insecurity have global dimensions and are likely to persist and even increase dramatically in some regions unless urgent adopts a determined and concerted action, given the global population increases and the voltage provided to natural resources are subjected.

We reaffirm that a political, economic social and peaceful, stable and enabling the essential foundation that will allow states to give adequate priority to food security and eradicating poverty. Democracy, promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development and full and equal participation of men and women are essential to achieve sustainable food security for all The Rome Declaration on World Food Security and Plan of Action of the World Food Summit set the foundation for diverse paths to a common goal: food security at individual, household, national, regional and global levels. Food security exists when all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for food to lead active and healthy. In this regard, concerted action is needed at all levels. Each country should adopt a strategy consistent with its resources and capabilities to achieve their own goals and at the same time, cooperate regionally and internationally to deliver collective solutions to global problems of food security.

In a world of institutions, societies and economies increasingly intertwined, it is imperative to coordinate efforts and share responsibilities. Indeed, today in this, reminds us,, the Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) assessed the FAO initiative to promote the World Summit on Food Security, which will be held in Rome, Italy, from 16 to 18 November, by a declaration signed in Santiago de Chile. "This summit can be a planetary response, effective and strategic in the fight against the scourge of hunger itself is generated the conditions for a high-level dialogue between the states, governments and social organizations and movements, with In order to develop policies and strategies in the context of food security and sovereignty? they said in the statement of representatives of social organizations and movements of peasants, fishermen and indigenous peoples as part of the CIP-Latin America and the Caribbean, After a meeting that took part in the process of discussion of the World Summit. The Regional Coordinator of the CIP, Mario Ahumada, stressed the importance of civil society participation "is the only way the agreements reached in these decision-making based on the specific needs of civil society and, therefore, can be transformed into solutions that address the issue of hunger and poverty in the world, especially in Latin America.? It is said also that the FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, José Graziano da Silva, praised the support of social movements and organizations to reach a consensus to promote agriculture and global food security.

"The consensus for the World Summit should consider a new food governance, increased public and private investment in agriculture in developing countries, strengthening of local institutions and international and environmentally sustainable agricultural production, among other key issues? , said the Representative. The FAO has since opened and the debate on the final declaration to be signed in November by the Heads of State and Government participating in the Summit through a document that introduces the main themes to be discussed at the meeting. As noted by the Director General of FAO, Jacques Diouf, is expected to FAO's proposal will lead to a fruitful discussion that involves not only governments but also the private sector, farmers, NGOs, the system United Nations and international organizations for development. We hope that this Summit to be held to be positive to a reality that can not be avoided and this has already stated commitment that the Plan of Action of the World Food Summit is based on the consensus reached in these forums and is based in the belief that while the world is facing serious food insecurity, there are solutions to these problems.

If all stakeholders at local, national, regional and international levels make determined and sustained efforts, the overall objective can be achieved to ensure the constant availability of food for all. The Plan of Action of the World Food Summit is in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, and aims to consolidate the outcomes of other United Nations conferences held since 1990 on issues that affect food security. Strengthen rules and mechanisms in international and regional organizations to find, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the prevention and resolution of conflicts that cause or exacerbate food insecurity and to settle disputes by peaceful means and promote tolerance, nonviolence, respect for diversity and observance of international law.


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