Saturday, August 11, 2012

Affiliate keyword tracking - from weakness to strength

As a beginner compared to Internet Marketing, I have to admit that by the time I learned what affiliate marketing was, learned to build a landing page, learned a little '(very little) html, and basically just got out of my campaigns Affiliate tracking of the earth ... keyword is the last thing I wanted to spend energy.

Keyword Tracking Affiliate - I really need?

Okay, so I was a bit 'naive at first. I started a PPC campaign and, unlike some of the horror stories you hear, I actually did a couple of pretty good sales pretty quickly. Of course, I was immediately disappointed: "Who needs monitoring ppc ... this thing is not so difficult." Well, I have lost thousands of people, as some have done, but my 'luck' has begun to wane ... Soon I realized that I needed to start progressing from 'lucky' to 'skill'.

"Okay, okay, I'll add Yet Another Marketing Skills - Tracking"

I read some forum posts good affiliate tracking keywords - and I started to get serious. I came across a free tool called beautiful descent to prosper, but to me it meant a bit 'too much work for my taste. I was looking for something very good, but also very simple. I do not care to invest in my work, as long as the tool that I'm investing in savings of time and does the job. For me, time really is money.

Fortunately I found a tool that made affiliate tracking Easy Keyword

I have posts on the forum love. I read another post where a guy whom I respect raved about this new monitoring tool that had just started using it. Many others joined in saying that he saw as the success with this instrument, so I was skeptical, but intrigued ....

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