Monday, August 6, 2012

Companies such as holographic system

"The secret to success is to be prepared to seize opportunities as they arise" Disraeli


The business reality in the present, constantly subject to pressure from the great changes that arise in commercial economic environment in which they operate and this means that by the management, pay attention to the necessary changes required to meet the challenges and usher in changes that lead to favorable results so that their participation is secured, plans, strategies, actions that show they are capable, ready to tackle all the situations you may encounter.

This time, we refer to the relevance of the importance of bearing in mind the principles and holographic systems management that can help make this a reality.


Leadership, learning, principles, systems, scope, impact

Basic considerations, notes, scope and impact

The graduate program specializing in quality management and productivity of Faces, the University of Carabobo, through its chairs of modern management topics such as organizational behavior, analyzes, examines the relevance, scope, impact the holographic principles and contribute to the management systems in order to help ensure that management, company management to strengthen its management with the strength of the scope of these principles, systems strengthen good corporate culture, operations, to consolidate a good organizational culture and ensure proper integration between the leader management, work teams (staff involved) and all those actors who can contribute to consolidate integrated teams and engaged in the operation required and to fulfill its mission, vision, objectives, especially in the Venezuelan case where contingencies surrounding variables, such as the State Socialist ideology that has created pressures, effects on companies, organizations significantly affect organizational behavior.

D To consolidate the relevance and importance of holographic principles, workshops are held, discussions of what is reality in the country's business system, especially the SMEs, as well as to assess their significance, scope, and like it, can help companies in pursuit of their objectives, achievements and participation.

We are fully aware as chair, which leads to the present time a glimpse of what should be the dynamic performance of companies in the present. share the position eg highlighting is important to see the organization as a living organism, where the metaphor is aimed to compare it with their own style of communication and participation, which seeks to ensure the durability and permanence of ideas and administrative trends over time. Motivational orientation and personal satisfaction is directed towards the development of officials, thinking of the worker's basic needs and how to meet them, but yes actually be proposed by the organization? We know that complete satisfaction is difficult to get and more, when it comes to business negotiations because the task is even more interesting. The issue is how to interpret current market behavior, and thus have a full preparation for interpreting the following paragraph: "it is not that big fish eat little, but is the fastest fish which absorbs Slow. "He says that this type of interpretation has its basis in the theory of evolution, and as such, tends to be renewed as they present changes and development processes.

Therefore, as with living beings who have reached stages of constant changes, the product of evolution, this trend is transferred to the organizations. As brain-oriented metaphor holography, intended for organizations to be flexible, resilient and proactive, theories contrary to the machine. A key support is in cybernetics, where the service of the organization, is to have companies bolder than the mechanism and organicism.

Share the chair with the position and contribution provides when he says, it is considered that the systems and organizations as holographic contribute to:

Allow the system to learn, self-organize and maintain a system in place or removed. The brain is composed of receptive units in the same class in ways that are different functions supported by similar structures.

Of course, it is suggested principles should be considered as:

Variety redundant functions required minimum specification Learning to learn critical

Each of them deserves an analysis and determine where further compound, specifically in the Venezuelan case facing serious problems.

In this regard, our field investigations show that in the case of SMEs this is very serious, in many cases where crises are heightened as:

Lack of skilled managerial leadership, visionary, strategist, who happens to change, that this transformation of an organizational culture requiereAusencia definidaArquitectura good organizational, administrative systems leave much to be decirDemasiada cuestionadoAusencia bureaucratization of reach organizational behavior, knowledge and tools administrativaDesactualización science of modern management topics.

Discuss the source of information indicated that once commissioning principles generated the following:

Self-organization can learn and able to renew and evolve beyond Environment bounded rationality rationality generates Bureaucratization within its structure by design. limitations Danger of overlooking major conflicts between the requirements of learning and self-organization. Any movement toward self-organization must be accompanied by a major change in attitudes and values


The management, senior officials of the modern enterprise, must take into account the holographic principles, not to neglect the commitment that they must be structured so managed to ensure its operability winning to win, and not to neglect being attentive to all the new learning that arises every time. On another occasion also discuss other principles.

All this, because as someone said, as managers, we manage our responsibility to know and effectively manage these and give way to an administration, fair and productive.

* Power señalda infornación

Graduate Teacher, Faces, University of Carabobo. Exatec

Annotations of the chair of modern management topics. Faces, UC

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