Monday, August 6, 2012

Numerology And The Tarot

Arcana of the Tarot The ads warn veiled in numbers, each number has a symbolic and communicates a vibration-related individual attributes for this is necessary to learn about numerology to be able to vislumbrardiscernir perfectly every Tarot card.

To further show the connection between each natural number and each card of the Tarot by Paul Foster Case.

The Loco-zero and this represents the absolute, bright light and the beginning of everything. It is pure energy, leads to the intellect and embodies the divine consciousness. This card symbolizes the pure spirit, ready to be no end to knowledge} and that nothing would grieve.

The one and the Wizard-This figure represents unity, initiative, originality and initiative. It is true self-consciousness and symbolizes the leader, the emancipated discretion and will, which decides its course. This card represents the courage, the skillful and determined that recognizes that the creator.

The two and the Priestess embodies the torque figure, responsiveness, duplication and harmony of opposites. This letter is intuition, contemplation, knowledge of the human essence, perceives, understands and balances the duality.

Three and Empress, this figure represents development, deployment and expression. The Empress represents the fertile mother. Female force is effective and fruitful. carries out the ideas that the priestess discovered.

The four and the Emperor, this number represents the order, registration, proportion, classification and tabulation. Represents the abstract universal order. This card symbolizes the father who guides, custody, orders and shapes, is the competition, who protects and values.

Five and High Priest, this represents the mediation, fitness, activity, environment and related ideas. It is the dynamism that comes from the abstract order. This card is the union between God and man, is the spiritual guide, the institution and learning. It is the superior who gave impetus to the tradition.

Valentine-Six and this figure is harmony, proportion, balance, inspiration, harmony of opposites, reciprocity, love, polarity and accessories. This card symbolizes the opposites that are completed to give body and soul. It also represents free will, the definition of a north and dilemma.

Car-Seven and this represents protection, security and conquest. This is the domain of mind and freedom. The Chariot represents the perseverance which conquers adversity with knowledge and be aware of who monitors their spiritual path, and environmental perceptions, leads to the duality.

The eight and the Force-this represents the generation of ideas and vibration, cause and effect, attention and direction. Embodies the Force inner control, the advantage over one's limitations, and dependencies outbursts, our wild side.

The Hermit nine and this figure is fulfillment, purpose, the end of a cycle and service. The Hermit symbolizes the perfect modest counselor service oriented. Practice of years.

Ten and the Wheel of Fortune, this figure embodies the splendor and power. The return to unity numerologically speaking: 10 = 1 +0 = 1. This card symbolizes the cycle of existence and evolution difficulties with the experience gained.

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