Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day Celebration Thanksgiving

With great joy is celebrated on Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving (in English: "Thanksgiving" literally 'giving thanks') is a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada, as noted in the U.S. Wikipedia held the fourth Thursday of November, although originally made last Thursday. In Canada, meanwhile, is held the second Monday in October. Usually in this festival come together around a table family and friends to share a feast. christiananswers.net provides, in November 1623, after collecting the harvest, the governor of the colony of Pilgrims "Plymonth Plantation" in Plymonth, Massachusetts, said: "All ye Pilgrims with your wives and children, Assemble in the communal house on the hill ... to listen to the pastor, and thank God Almighty for all His blessings. " This is the origin of our annual celebration of Thanksgiving Day. In subsequent years, the United States Congress on several occasions declared the day of thanksgiving to the Almighty. Finally, on 1 November 1777 was officially declared as a holiday "for solemn thanksgiving and worship with one heart and voice unit, good people to express their feelings of gratitude, and devote themselves to the service of their divine benefactor ... and humble prayers pleasing to God through the merits of Jesus Christ, who is merciful to forgive and forget their sins erased ...

That pleases God to the schools and seminaries of education, so necessary for cultivating principles of true liberty, virtue under his protective hand, and religion to thrive promotion and enlargement of that kingdom which is peace, justice and joy in the Holy Spirit ... "

On Thursday, February 19, 1795, George Washington departed that day as well as the national day of thanksgiving. Many years later, on October 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed by congressional charter, a national day of thanksgiving. "The last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens? in this proclamation of thanksgiving, the 16 th president says he is ... "announced in Scripture and confirmed by history, that those nations who have the Lord as their God, are blessed. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the hand which preserved us in peace, we multiply, augmented and strengthened. We have vainly imagined, through the deceit of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and our virtuosity. I thought it appropriate that God is solemn, reverent and gratefully acknowledged as one heart and one voice, for all Americans ...? The general pattern of this event has also been retained unchanged since the nineteenth century. The menu, with any regional variation, usually consists of baked turkey, stuffing, cranberries, a dish made of corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Today, Thanksgiving Day remains a holiday during which American families gather to share the fruits of a bountiful harvest and give thanks to God for his blessings on their land. In 1941 Thanksgiving Day was officially declared by the Congress of the United States a holiday, to be held the fourth Thursday of November Definitely, Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving is a time to share blessings and good wishes to the family and loved ones. Despite such large distances between territories of the United States, family members gather at the home of the older relative, the oldest, usually grandparents. All together they give thanks for all the good they have and ask for blessings (blessings) for his family together. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to the needy in their community, particularly the homeless. In most tables of U.S. food products which are served in the historic first Thanksgiving, the first Thanksgiving, they have become traditional, can not miss.

Among them are: maize (corn), squash (pumpkins), cranberry sauce (cranbery's willow), and of course the stuffed turkey (stuffed turkey). The ceremony is a public recognition of the role of Indians in the first Thanksgiving (America's First Thanksgiving) 350 years ago. Most people celebrate this festival with family gatherings in their homes where they prepare a feast. In many homes it is common to offer a prayer of thanks. The traditional main course for dinner is a large roasted turkey. After the dinner, all members present have congregated to watch the football game on television, while others use to talk and relax in American cities are parades.

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