Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Venezuelan International Trade Policy

The visible things have their time, what is unseen is eternal. The dynamics of the current global economic scenario, show significant signs that have an impact on the economy of many countries, especially now when there has appeared a global economic crisis had an impact on many countries that were not prepared for it. Add to that, in the Venezuelan case, the actions of a government that has pledged to institute what he called XXI Century Socialism and whose actions have impacted severely programs in business, affecting many companies that were not prepared for it. The fact that you should also consider that the present government has undertaken to express changes in policy towards more aggressive international trade, adapted to the requirements of this. In this regard it in open forum on the topic in the department of international trade graduate Master of Business Administration, under my responsibility, Orlando Castejón participant says: the current government has been active foreign trade policy, seeking alliances , treaties that favor integration into the country, though of course it gives preference to the policy. David Oñate in his graduate work at the University of Barcelona, ​​states: "The market is not neutral, is an economic instrument that can be used to build or destroy.

Although a large difference generating means can be also a means for the distribution of wealth. Just as science can be addressed for peace or for war. Depend on human will, but that will is, today, those who control the world, or what is the same as those who control the markets?. ( You can say that fair trade is a new factor for Venezuela in the current international trade according to his thesis, Fair Trade offers a simple method and straightforward to improve the situation of producers in developing countries. By purchasing, providing and promoting Fair Trade products, consumers and businesses can play an important role in improving the overall balance of power and wealth, and all with a simple transaction that we do daily. By adhering to campaigns that promote fair trade organizations, citizens can exert pressure on companies to act responsibly with all those involved in its activities, from producers to consumers, and thus promote a type of production and marketing sustainable socially, economically and environmentally.

Fair Trade campaigns give the citizen the possibility of asking politicians to take action at the international level to ensure a fairer world trade and more concerned about people. Political parties AD and COPEI never imagined that thinking this way, might be the salvation for them at the time, just did not do so because they never had the vision of the opportunities that were offered at the time. It's hard to think that today can change their view of international politics in the future, because there is a huge concentration of energy wasting to make the government look bad without looking at their own weaknesses, heal and then to act responsibly with a sense of home, spend a lot of time to see this type of international trade policy actuaciones.La of Venezuela has its reach in achieving the general welfare of all those who for a long time were not taken into account and now through of these policies feel included, the creation of new joint ventures agreements with Brazil, for example, or Chinese companies, Russian already in Venezuela.

On the other hand President Chavez has put all its efforts on good relations with neighboring countries, most importantly, Brazil, Colombia, the Caribbean, through trade agreements and treaties, the company Petrocaribe was an initiative of President Chávez to include the Caribbean countries. ( international trade policy in Venezuela have their most direct impact on the operation of joint ventures created and contributed to the decline in unemployment for example, bilateral agreements with Cuba, Argentina, Ecuador , Bolivia, Iran, Russia and Belarus, also has significant activities in the development of the production of machinery for agriculture with support from Iran, Argentina and Belarus. However, there are weaknesses opportunities, threats and strengths identified in this case

Weaknesses in the Venezuelan international trade policy

Venezuela has no technological sovereignty and this makes it more dependent on developed countries to go into ambitious programs and agreements has so far made have failed to advance these programs administrative bureaucracy that exists in the operation of the agreements makes these be delayed and there are higher costs and loss of Venezuelan companies time. Small little part in international politics because they have the resources to venture into other markets. Opportunities For be dynamic international trade policy Venezuelan companies can enter other markets using these agreements and conventions. If there were agreements between the government and the private sector to be achieved more agreements or arrangements between highly competitive firms in the technology area which Venezuelan companies could make significant strategic alliances for development. The petrochemical industry plays an important factor in international trade policy because the 95% of what we see and touch today comes from this industry and there is the possibility that Venezuelan businessman to be more creative in this area to refine then agreements with other international companies in the same sector.

Threats Countries that make agreements with Venezuela to move away for not sharing the same political ideal, because there would be a cessation of activities between both countries. Conflicts between the private sector and the government's fall in oil prices, since most agreements are based on this resource and budgets would be affected under this scenario. Strengths countries Venezuela has friends who share his political ideal and as such there will last over time in international trade policy, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, some Caribbean Islands, Belarus, Iran, Ecuador, Bolivia, the Government has managed to emerge victorious most difficult conflicts in Venezuelan history, the oil strike was one of them and this gave him the strength to control the industry and to make their projects without much interference. The Venezuelan international trade policy has created the ALBA agreement with each passing year and has included other countries and this has given more strength to its foreign policy. Some suggestions for international trade Venezuelan businessman should correctly identify investment opportunities in the country under the present government and its external trade policy.

Venezuelan companies must find viable alternatives to diminish somewhat the impact of the policies imposed by the current government such as exchange controls and foreign exchange regulations and norms present in the destination country as there ALBA countries that can offer many opportunities investment. At the same time, the government should be a little more flexible in the allocation of foreign currency with some productive sectors such as SMEs in all business sectors and industrial service.

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