Saturday, August 4, 2012

Desperate ¿? Seek shelter in God

Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez Go to find food on credit never was and never will be somewhat comfortable. By contrast, in some cases awakens shame. At the end of the day it's a favor. - Sorry, Don Hannibal. Already have an account large enough and, pardon my frankness, I do not see him get a job, said the business owner. - But I've tried, 'said the man. - No doubt, Mr. Hannibal, but I understand. These are businesses. I can not let me move through the heart ...- and turned away to meet a client who came. That day is reasoned that when there is economic strength, when resources dwindle, everyone wants to step aside. It's like saying: "We want to be with the losers?. He arrived home ready to move on. I could not afford to give it to her family in despair. He promised to go "looking for something?. And while he shuffled reluctantly, he resumed the task of finding work. He seized the strong conviction that, although he had three weeks in the same task, that God succor. And the answer came. He got a job in a machine shop. Parts washed with petrol.

Little by little he could catch up, paying off all debts.

God, our refuge Perhaps you have experienced a similar situation. When the whole picture looks clouded, remember what you read in the Word of God: "In you, Lord, I seek refuge let me never be ashamed, in your righteousness, deliver me. Incline your ear to me come quickly to help me. Be my rock of refuge, the strength of my salvation? (Psalm 31:1, 2. NIV). The problems threaten to steal peace. However, when we place trust in him confidence that everything can we overcome the crisis. Do not let them garnish despair. Find a way out. Is in Jesus. He is with us. It reaches out to provide the help you need. Receive Jesus Christ into the heart of the crisis can be overcome, not our strength but in God. And the first step toward victory in the midst of adversity, you might as receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. It's easy. Just say, "Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I accept this new opportunity that I offer. I open the doors of my heart and receive You as my only and sufficient Savior. Make me the person You want me to be.

Amen? Now there are three recommendations for you. First, read the Bible where you will learn dynamic principles that lead to personal and spiritual growth. Second, pray. Remember that prayer is talking to God, and finally, begin to congregate in a Christian church. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez - Contact (057) 317-4913705 Email

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