Saturday, August 11, 2012

EBook virtual Covers that sell

Want to sell your eBook or online eZine? Looking for a catchy cover virtual sell your product? Great! You're on your way! Because no matter what people say, consumers judge books by their covers, and for this reason, a virtual top cover has the potential to greatly increase the popularity of your product (and sales).

So what exactly is a virtual eBook cover? That 's what the name says it is - a digital representation of a digital product. Or more simply: the image of what a book might look like if it was available in normal bookstores.

So is a cover for a digital product as important as that of a normal product? Certainly, in fact, is probably even more important when to attract customers. That said, the coverage does not necessarily resemble that of a popular novel, like the virtual covers follow a slightly different set of rules for book covers traditional.

So, are you ready to develop the coverage of the product? If you have any basic knowledge of marketing and design skills decent, you can probably develop virtual cover. Just keep in mind the objective of the cover, that is to increase the popularity of your product, and in turn, sales. In other words, the cover need not only a stunning design, but also good marketing standards applicable to it. A good combination of the two will make people want your book enough for them to shell out the money and buy it! ......

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