Saturday, August 11, 2012

Before you start Internet Affiliate Marketing - Figure Out what you want! (And do not want)

Thousands and thousands of regular Joes, with high hopes to start selling internet every day. There is no shortage of programs to choose from, both .. the choices are staggering! What's a Newbie to do?

Now, I'm not a guru. Not even close. LOL Anyway, I have marketing online for over 2 years and went from not knowing how to copy and paste, to have my website, Affiliate Marketing and writing articles .. advertisement .. Networking .. the list goes on and on. Certainly understand how people get confused and stuck on minute details.

So, hopefully, my hard-learned lessons will help someone else.

First, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is too good to be true.

Remember that one, definitely.

Secondly, before deciding on a program, check it out first. Google the name of the program and Scam. See what pops up. The good thing about the internet is that there is tons of information at your fingertips. The bad thing about the internet is that tons of information is at your Confusing, eh?

Here's what I mean .. There are some people who cry that their SCAM did not do what they should do to make it work! (Do not follow the instructions.) Thus, the program is not a scam. But, you can find where they wrote that it is a scam.

You must decide for yourself who to believe and who to trust. If there are a lot of screaming people Scam, it probably is.

Here's an example that I learned the hard way ...

I bought a program called Dollarzblaster. The idea is good, in my opinion. However, I followed their directions exactly, indeed, did most of their directions. What did I get all my work? They never set up my web page. I have given an affiliate link useless and never answered any of my emails. $ 35 down the tubes.

Money for nothing is the perfect description of what is a scam .. and my money spent on Dollarzblaster I did nothing but heartburn and stress headaches.

Unfortunately, there are also programs that are endorsed by what they are advertised to do. But, you can still get screwed, as their Affiliates.

I am torn on this, because the program actually get the promised results.
~ the program works, but some of what they do is unethical, and according to my lawyer, illegal.

Apparently, 3hrprofits had a problem with some of their affiliates spamming. So their bright idea was to keep all controls affiliated companies for that month to pay the fines spam! (No, I was one of the affiliates who spam.)

I would have sued. I was that crazy. But my lawyer said that while what they did is illegal, it would cost so much time, money, court costs and the stress of being sued their worth. $ 159 down the tubes for that month .. sigh ..

Sometimes, you can not win for

Now, I'm not going to give you a bunch of my affiliate links and try to get to join them. Well, not in this article, however. lol

But I wanted you to know what type of marketer are. And there are other types of marketing out there, too ...

I'm cheap, great! (My father trained me well.) I'm not trying to convince people to spend a lot of money for a program like I do not want to spend a lot of money for a program. So, I tend to advertise the programs at low prices and in quantities that do more. Just my choice of personal marketing. I am a big believer in multiple streams of income ... And do not waste my clients of their last red cent!

If you are just starting out in marketing, there will be a lot of choices for you to do. Trust me on this: do not always make the right choices. But, again Scammed makes you learn FAST!

Through all this, I tried to remain honest, and I learned a lot over the past 2 years. I still have much to learn. Definitely!

But, I can face in the mirror every day, fine. I hope that the choices you make in this field will allow you to do the same .......

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