Monday, August 6, 2012

New International Standard ISO 14066: 2011 To Validate Carbon Measurements

The impact of global climate change may present a greater challenge than any other to which humanity has faced, with the exception of preventing nuclear war

Always with the interest of protecting the environment, issued a new ISO International Standard, ISO 14066: 2011, which validates the level of competence required for entities responsible for verification of greenhouse gases (GHGs). It is the latest addition the toolbox of ISO standards to tackle climate change. in this regard gives us that with a growing global awareness of the need for environmental protection and sustainability, organizations must demonstrate their efforts to inventory, report, and reduce gas emissions greenhouse effect. In order to ensure the credibility of his claims, many of these organizations are turning to third party agencies to validate and verify emissions reports.

We added, ISO 14066 is the last document in the toolbox of ISO standards for addressing climate change and emissions of greenhouse gases. These negotiations were launched in 2006 with the ISO 14064 standard, a standard three-part evaluation of projects to reduce greenhouse gases, whether voluntary or regulatory

ISO 14066: 2011 greenhouse gas, explains the requirements for competence of personnel involved in the validation or verification activities in various equipment designated for the task. Its aim is to achieve consistency in the global carbon market and maintain public confidence in the reporting of GHG.

It is further noted that for Tod Delaney, Coordinator of the working group responsible for ISO ISO 14066, "the accuracy of the statements of an organization's GHG emissions is essential, taking into account the political and financial consequences of each claim."

In short, says, the new ISO 14066: 2011 greenhouse gas, seeks to detail the minimum requirements of competence of personnel involved in the validation of emissions of greenhouse gases, as well standardize other activities verification.

This is the last document in the ISO standards that address climate change and emissions of greenhouse gases. This process began in 2006 with ISO 14064, a three-part standard for evaluating projects to reduce greenhouse gases

Ultimately, the objective of this legislation is to achieve consistency in the global carbon market and maintain public confidence in the reporting of GHG. Since the growing global awareness of the need to protect the environment and sustainability, Organizations must demonstrate their efforts to inventory, report, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and in order to ensure the credibility of his claims, many of these organizations are turning to third party agencies to validate and verify the reports emissions.

No doubt, that ISO 14066 will contribute significantly in the control of emissions of greenhouse gases and a good consistency as stated in the global carbon market. Of course this new ISO should be analyzed, studied in environmental programs, as in the case of postgraduate specialty of quality management and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo.

Graduate Teaching

Specialist Program Quality Management and Productivity Faces, University of Carabobo. Exatec


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