Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pandita Ramabai The Extraordinary

Pandita Ramabai

Time is like life, often do not look at what we do, but we regret we could have done.

India has made great characters, as is the case and as we Pandita Ramabi points out, it was a great scholar, social reformer and Bible translator, may be found in its own right among the great figures of India and indeed as one of the greatest women of this nation. In fact, the mission she founded the Mukti Mission, this is "Liberation and salvation" still remains open day and night for women and children who need help and has been properly classified as one of the greatest examples of Christianity in action.

Pandita, was born into higher social caste in India: daughter of a Brahmin priest, who after being widowed remarried at the age of 44 years, with the daughter of a Brahmin who had 9 years of age. That girl would become the mother of Pandita. Perhaps Westerners seem incredible marriage between one man and one adult and child, however, this practice was and is rife in India. Pandita's father gave his daughter an education as if she were a man: a 12 years had memorized hundreds of Sanskrit religious and philosophical texts. He also learned the Marathi language in which it was at the end of his life translating the Bible, and eight other languages. All this indicates the extraordinary intellectual qualities which Pandita was equipped

Pandita Ramabai was born in a Brahmin family intellectual. His father, Anant Shastri Dongre believes that women should have an education and against the traditional Hindu social structure Ramabai taught, and his second wife, the mother of Ramambai Puranic and how to read and write in Sanskrit. And how to interpret the Vedic texts. She was raised by her father

Wikipedia gives us also wrote many books including his popular work entitled The high-caste Hindu woman, which showed the darker subject matter relating to the lives of Indian women, including child marriages, the treatment received by the government. He had a strong opinion of what should be done so that women could have more freedom, including the protection of widows and minor wives and she also opposed the practice of sati.

Beset by economic needs had to leave his family home in Mangalore, making a pilgrimage to shrines, temples and sacred rivers. It was here that Pandit made contact with the suffering of girl-widows, unable to marry again, with women who had to be sacrificed on the pyre alive with their dead husbands and they were drawn into prostitution. She realized that women in India, a victim of religious and cultural system degrading, was ranked at the same level as animals. In fact, in some Hindu religious texts is conceptualized women as worse than the demons, whose only god is her husband, who can do with it what he pleases. In this pilgrimage, which saw the death of his parents and older sister of hunger, collapsed religious beliefs Pandita had received from his father. He had traveled the dusty roads of India in search of peace and now his daughter was looking for another way to satisfy his soul.

It is said that after traveling 6,000 km wandering around the nation, arrived in 1878 with his brother to Calcutta, where he lectured and won the hearts of the Bengali Brahmins. His knowledge of Sanskrit them so much that, after an examination by a group of scholars (pandits), was awarded the title of Pandita, meaning "learned", the first woman who reached such a title in India.

After the death of his brother, Pandita married a friend of his, the graduate and lawyer Beppino Medhavi Bihari, who was from a lower caste than that of Pandita. The result of this marriage was the birth of a daughter who put Manoramabai, unfortunately shortly after birth the child, her husband died as a result of cholera. "This great loss," he wrote later in his memoirs, "I moved closer to God. "

He says the source of information indicated that Pandita began to lecture on the status of women in India, coming to write a book that hit major impact on Britain and the United States: The High Caste Hindu Woman. Precisely the latter nation traveled to publicize their projects focus on the rescue of so many women in need in India, obtaining financial support through the Ramabai Association. In 1898 he was invited to the Keswick Convention in England, where he spoke on behalf of 140 million women in India. They testified that through this convention had learned about the experience with the Holy Spirit and that, apart from this experience, she never would have been useful spiritual. His vision was that 1,000 Indian Christian women were filled with the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel in India. Pandita get involved with international movement dedicated to holiness, renewal and missions, especially the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Another movement that played an important role in the life of Pandita was the Welsh revival, which took place in 1904 and increased his hunger for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. On June 29, 1905, while they were together in Mukti, the Holy Spirit fell upon a large number of women who began to mourn and to confess their sins. During that period Mukti became a notable revival center and hundreds of girls testified to the holy fire that burned and devoted himself to prayer hours.

It is said that Pandit was an executive cream, also a scholar, evangelist and reformer. On one occasion when more than 700 abandoned children had no new clothes to wear, a large shipment came in answer to their prayers. She gathered in the center of the church and I read Psalm 34:10: "The young lions do lack and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."

Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission The still active today, the supply of housing, education, vocational training, and medical services to many needy groups including widows, orphans, and the blind

In the last 15 years of his life, he devoted himself to the immense task of translating the Bible into Marathi. First he had to learn Greek and Hebrew, then had to accommodate this work to their other occupations. Although he was going deaf, and by that time her daughter died, did not leave this task he had proposed. He had almost completed the proofreading Marathi Bible, when he fell ill

Pandita Ramabai received the Kaiser-i-Hind medal for community service in 1919Se was honored with a feast in the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA) on 5 April. On October 26, 1989, the Government of India issued a stamp commemorating his contribution.

The Gospel of Christ represented to her the purest expression of her own spiritual intuitions, in particular growing belief that serve women and the poor was not merely a social, but religious. "(Based on Great Translators and Robert Ellsberg). Pandita Ramabai, called the mother of the Pentecostal movement in India, died in 1922, having finished the translation of the Bible, Marathi, April 5, 1922, at 62 years of age.

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