Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Conclusions UNASUR Summit in Bariloche

The past has fled, what you expect is absent, but this leaves much is yours to tell the meeting of the 12 countries of UNASUR, the objective of the meeting would be deeply about what it means for the opening of Latin America Colombia to allow the U.S. to be inserted into its territory in seven military bases. Everyone was waiting to see what it would expose the president of Colombia and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, when again more tension in the two countries is the rupture of commercial relations. The intervention of the Colombian president? Alvaro Uribe, that said: "The United States gave us practical help. Colombia, which has suffered immensely from the scourge of terrorism, receives expressions of sympathy and solidarity, but rarely practical cooperation we are receiving United States framed in bilateral United Nations After reviewing all agreements signed with countries with which it shares borders, Uribe said "are not effective in practice" and in this sense, contrasted with "practical and effective assistance "that gives the United States, and said that it is precisely" that effectively what we are willing to discuss with you at this meeting. "In this context, the president made reference to the attitude of" Europe, America and Canada "to declare "terrorist groups" who made massacres and bombings in Colombia, and lamented that "have not yet made the countries of the region", now grouped in UNASUR.

"We're not talking about a political game, but a threat to shed blood in Colombian society. It is no light matter, sovereignty or political agreement," Uribe said to mark the importance of this statement for your country today asked at the meeting of adds, Uribe acknowledged that "progress was made in the initial letter of UNASUR Defense Council that was the exclusion of any violent group," but made clear that "Colombia aims to all countries in the region recognize these groups as terrorists "and not only violent acts that they perform on a diaria.Uribe even claimed that" some countries in the region consider political allies to these terrorist groups "and even, help to "hide" in its territory, before or after they made "massacres, sometimes entire families." "We are concerned that these groups are taken as political allies, and they can hide in territories outside of Colombia, and we believe there to search through all diplomatic channels the way to stop this," said Uribe. He added that these groups are often found weapons "from other countries." For this reason, requested to be incorporated as part of the agenda of the summit Colombia's request that "wherever they appear such evidence (weapons ) to which the collaboration of a citizen of another country with these groups, the State investigate and establish responsibilities. "

When Uribe concluded her presentation by Hugo Chavez, claimed to present the document according to clear "many doubts". And during his speech, Chavez showed a military document allegedly written by the Pentagon argues that the U.S. Southern Command provides for the use of seven bases in Colombia as a starting point for sending forces "expeditionary" points of U.S. strategic interest in South America. "I am very concerned and I can not accept that a U.S. paper treats us as backyard. I would like to propose a first decision of this special meeting, peremptorily that the Defense Council of UNASUR we report and according to the report request an urgent meeting with President Obama, "he said Correa.Pero to still make use of the word, the Colombian president? Alvaro Uribe said Chavez read the document" is not a discovery ... is on a website and not a text adopted by the United States government but the proposal is an academic group. " Very interesting and balanced participation was more clear leader with Latin America, as is that of President Lula of Brazil.

He expressed his views and stated, as we are reminded "We respect the sovereignty of agreements between countries, but we want to protect ourselves, we want legal guarantees." He added that the U.S. claim in the region "passed the limits" and advances on the countries of the region of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil, who "share a vast area, which is the Amazon." "It seems that the Amazon out of the rich and it is they who want to set policies there. Not so, Amazon is our problem, and proposals for the area must leave the Amazonian countries. "He noted that he invited U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss with Unasur these issues, and requested that the block set in September launched a survey on the borders of the region to know "the truth about these issues President Lula came at a time obfuscated by noting that no agreement was reached, pure speech, trying to appear on TV for the press to highlight the figure of the presidents who became speaker without concrete proposals for the purpose of the meeting, said: every man speaking to his audience does not give a good result, "visibly angry.

Brazilian President Correa was allowed to challenge and complained that the leaders have appealed to the "rhetoric" instead of taking decisions that would have allowed to conclude before more concrete results. Then Peruvian President Alan Garcia and Vazquez of Uruguay had already left the room. As little commitment review the foreign ministers meet in September to continue talking about it and study the impact of the U.S. presence in the region by the UNASUR Defense Council is the only thing took a clean of the meeting. The coup in Honduras and the growing power of his de facto government was not achieved anything more than a conviction. Almost as if they were more concerned with the official photo of rigor so that their foreign ministers were writing at the conclusion of the meeting, the presidents came to the Llao Llao hotel courtyard and drew the picture smiling. The truth as After seven hours of debate, the agency DPA, the heads of state gathered in Bariloche (southern Argentina), in the framework of UNASUR, got a job consensus to approve the document final.Documento final: 1.

"Strengthening America as a zone of peace, committing to establish a mechanism of mutual trust in defense and security, supporting our decision to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity of another state of UNASUR ? 2. Reaffirm our commitment to strengthen the fight and cooperation against terrorism and transnational organized crime and related offenses: drug trafficking, trafficking in small arms and light weapons, and the rejection of the presence or actions of armed groups outside the ley.3. To reaffirm that the presence of foreign military forces can not, with their means and resources linked to its own objectives, threaten the sovereignty and integrity of any South American nation and therefore the peace and security in the region.4. Instruct their foreign ministers and defense to hold a special meeting during the first half of next September, to pursue greater transparency measures designed to promote confidence and security as a complement to existing tools within the framework of the OAS, including concrete implementation mechanisms and guarantees for all countries apply to existing agreements with countries in the region and outside the region, as well as illicit arms trafficking, drug trafficking and terrorism in accordance with the laws of each country.

These mechanisms should consider the principles of unrestricted respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability and non-interference in internal affairs of Estados.5. Instruct the South American Defense Council, to scan the text on "South American strategy. White Paper Air Mobility Command (AMC)? and perform a verification of the situation at the borders and lift the resulting studies the Council of Heads of State and Government to consider courses of action seguir.6. Instruct the South American Council for Drug Trafficking to urgently draw up their status and action plan in order to define a South American strategy to combat illicit drug trafficking and strengthening cooperation among the specialized agencies of our countries .

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