Friday, July 13, 2012

5 Common Mistakes Buying Health Insurance In Miami

In our daily work as Medical Insurance Brokers see people make diferenteserrores to make an application for health insurance or health plan. On the importance of certain elements to be clear is that reproduce this guide with 5 negative aspects of what NOT to do at the time of purchasing health coverage:

1-to assume that what you're buying is health insurance (HMO, PPO) and no other coverage such as a Discount Medical Plan (DPMO by its initials in English). What is at issue is to define that is what you want with your application and what you can afford. Medical Discount Plans are NOT Health Insurance, discounts are just that, perhaps more money you can not pay monthly, but the important thing is that you are clear about what you're buying. Unfortunately there are those who "play with the language" and you sell a Plan Discount like health insurance.

2 - Sign lightly without knowing the benefits and exclusions is Médicos.Las insurance policies health insurance policies have copayments, coinsurance, deductibles. There are several pre-existing conditions that exclude or cover 24 months. To cite just a few examples.

3-Relying excessively on the agent or seller is before you and assume that everything you are filing as health insurance or health coverage is good. It is generally assumed that elagente or seller is professional, ethical and a true agent is not going to lie, but relies more on what you read and the infinite number of questions you do.

4-Over-reliance on online information is online and apply directly online without knowing the credentials of the page and the health insurance they buy. Usually in work with direct personal application at the customer or his business, which means there is greater likelihood that your application is successful, with more quality.

5-believe that because the monthly price is cheap Health Insurance was achieved better than others, from other companies. Sometimes it's not the name of insurance. I've met people who have told me that Blue Cross and Blue Shield have been gone well and others that it is fatal, to quote an insurer in particular.En also work with Cigna, Preferred MedicalPlan, AvMed, Coventry One (formerly Vista Health Plan) United, Medica, Aetna and the various Prepaid Health Clinic (PHC) of a serious nature: Florida Health Solution and PromeBlue Diamond. And it's not often in insurance companies or is the type of policy. There are insurance policies that have for example $ 10 000 deductible and are cheaper than those with no deductible or have a low.

These of course are 5 common mistakes when buying insurance, a health plan or health insurance coverage as you want to call the United States. It does not mean they are the only ones. In the area of ​​Miami, Broward, Ft Lauderdale, Palm Beach where we have worked in this field we have faced all these situations and many mas.Entonces important thing is to open your mind and read over and over again and ask you to succeed buying that Daily necesitas.A insurance that we provide FREE information to different people who request it either by our Web sites or telephone and we intend to sell more to help buy the best health insurance or you want the best option for your health but putting the whole truth about the Long mesa.A This procedure is intended to stay with us forever and that when you go to purchase health insurance or life insurance think

Adalberto insurance Ravelohealth 786-259-0067

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