Friday, July 13, 2012

How quickly have big arms? - 3 Exercises to Have Huge Arms

Big muscular arms are the true definition of strength and power, and can really transform the appearance and confidence of a person. The problem is that most guys, when they think about big arms fast how to make the mistake of focusing solely on the biceps, and believe that biceps mean big arms. BIG mistake! Why? Well first let me give an anatomy lesson ... For impressive arms, you should seek to work on the three major muscle groups that make up the arms biceps, triceps and forearms. Are these three muscle groups combined and balanced development of the three, which will help you get big arms fast. Here I'll show you my three favorite exercises for big arms how to fast-one for each major muscle groups of the arm. How to have big arms fast? - Biceps - Standing Curl with barbell (standing barbell curl)

This is the true king of bicep exercises, for great and bulging biceps, which is used by all kinds of levels, from Mr. Olympia to Mr. novice. Stand with your feet separated by a distance as wide as your shoulders, and hold a barbell with both hands and wrists down-that is, palms up. Let it hang in front of you with your arms straight and your elbows are sure that tucked against your body and close to the torso at all times. Now, pull the barbell upward, rotate your forearms only, using the strength of your biceps to do so, until the barbell is about shoulder level. Hold the contraction for a moment, to maximize the effort, and then lower to starting position. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions. How to have big arms fast? - Triceps - lying barbell extensions (lying barbell extensions) This exercise, in particular, stimulates the inner head of the triceps and works like a charm. Lie on a bench in ordinary weights (which you would use for a chest press) and hold a barbell with your arms straight (but slightly bent at your elbows to avoid injuries)-with your hands separated by a distance slightly less the width of your shoulders.

Now lower the weights, bending your forearm down without moving your upper arm. This should be done in an arc motion and the bar should be lowered until it is about an inch away from your face. Now, push the bar back up in an arc motion, using only your triceps. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions. How to have big arms fast? - Forearm - Wrist Curls (wrist curls) Anyone who has tried, you know you are awesome to build forearm muscles bigger and stronger, and an iron fist. Sit sideways on a flat bench and hold a barbell with your hands so that your elbows rest on the muscles of your thighs and your forearms point straight forward (the palms should be facing down). Now, simply rotate your hands up and down in a controlled manner, and should start to feel the heat very quickly. Do 2 sets of 6-10 repetitions. After performing the same exercise with your palms up, so that they work the other muscles of the forearm.

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