Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The research within the Special Quality

Carlos Mora Vanegas *

The Graduate Program in the specialty of Quality Management and Productivity? Rea Faces Graduate of the University of Carabobo which began in 1999, before the need for professionals who are fully identified with this specialty in order to bring their knowledge, skills, domestic firms, so that give way to the relevance, scope of creating and developing a philosophy of excellent quality and productivity in their favor, considered very crucial to their teachers, participants strengthen defined lines of research and work with solutions, proposals, models that benefit businesses, especially to new challenges, technological development, competitiveness globalizing world demand.

Consider the program, which is a serious responsibility to train, train, specialists in high-level quality and productivity and develop as a fortress applied research to solve problems of quality and productivity in public sector enterprises and private, and direct their efforts towards the transformation of these companies and for the training of a leader and innovator manager, aware of the challenges faced in today's world to make a commitment to the transformation of reality.

Participants are committed to present and defend a thesis that includes not only contributions, suggestions towards solving problems of quality and productivity, but the submission of proposals, models involving the companies, organizations, institutions, benefit from what the quality and productivity in the present is the product of their research.

The program to define its lines of research according to the requirements that the institutions, organizations, companies require, conducted a field investigation that would determine where the main problems manifest themselves in quality and productivity, the need to cover, the competitive requirements, modern requirements of quality standards and all that, who happens to favorable results in the exercise of this specialty.

Have reinforced the research that have been defined, taking also into account, theoretical and practical knowledge of the specialty curriculum in each of their subjects

For this, the Program has established the following lines momentarily research, so you select one that is of interest to the participant:

• Models of quality systems. Design of quality control. Models for assessing the quality and productivity.

• Models and monitoring and evaluation systems to manage in the productive sector and regional service.

• Quality Assurance

• Management and production processes index

• Quality Audit

• Human factor productivity

• Quality Management

• Organizational climate in the quality and productivity

• Continuous Improvement, Quality and Productivity for Small and Medium Industry.

• Kaizen towards quality and productivity

• Costs in quality and productivity

• Strategic planning in quality and productivity

• Continuous improvement and zero defects.

The program to date have completed since 1999 have integrated coohortes 9, where some of its graduates have made investigations have led to companies where they work or have worked, giving thanks to them, actions that are taken into account and have promoted the importance of the current role of quality and productivity in the company.

To this is added, that research has helped to redefine the profile of specialist quality and productivity that the country needs, giving way to knowledge, tools which are significant for the culture of quality and productivity in Venezuelan business, especially SMEs, defining the subjects to be taught and favors him.

Research has also helped in the dissemination of the results published in virtual magazines, newspapers, articles, revealing the achievements, as well as in forums, debates, conferences. Regionally, nationally and internationally. Despite all this, the program considers that there are barriers obtaculizan achieving academic excellence, since it has a full-time faculty dedicated to research, work with the participant actively promotes them as guardian, guide proactive in their investigations as expected. Its teachers are contract personnel who work outside the university and devote little time to academic activities that the program contains more than make their classes work and advise some degree.

To this is added, little cooperation from the authorities in encouraging the development of research budgets, tools, incentives that trigger.

In conclusion, the Program for Management of Quality and Productivity, is fully identified in the role played by research, agrees that one of the fundamental functions of the university, especially its? Postgraduate areas is to encourage the creation of new knowledge through scientific, technological, humanistic and social.Reconoce, this function has become the focus of the evaluation of universities in many countries like Venezuela, an aspect that can not be neglected. Program has been proposed within its possibilities, collaboration, you can provide the university authorities to initiate another projection, not just materialize in teaching, but to link with the business proactively for partnerships to ensure joint participation the benefit of all.

He is convinced that Venezuelan universities should identify more with the investigation, there remain only in the knowledge transmitación. He is aware as indicated Lemansson and Chiappe (1999), that the country an insufficient number of universities in which research activities are performed.

The program shares the view that research is one that encourages critical thinking and creativity in both teachers and the students. It is through her that the learning process and fights vitalizes memory which has helped shape both professional liabilities, loving little innovation, little curiosity and initiative. The reason for the need for research in universities is to prepare individuals with new skills and knowledge they have adequate academic training in a rapidly developing world. And this is because society requires human capital to solve its immediate problems, contributing to increase that capital is one of the most important missions of universities. The fundamental tool for achieving this is science, so it is necessary to cultivate it.

* Program Coordinator


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