Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tips To break the paralysis of your business in Red!

Focus on the target until you hit him!

In this case the network business (and life) is essential to have a well-established Sleep goals we commit ourselves to achieving them. Well-defined dates!

That through all establish our ongoing commitment. Set a goal and I even managed DESENFOCARTE NO! But there's more ....

Sure you have!

Have a plan of action!

All companies have it because they are the steps that determine whether income or not. If no action is no money. If there is no presentation of the plan, no sale of product, no affiliates, no income!

How about when we STRANDED because we have no new leads?

Then we have to meet new people and build a relationship before presenting the plan etc.etc.

The hardest thing of all is that it is not easy to duplicate this ability in our partners or at least time-consuming. Save your time! Save yourself the effort!

I saw the light of hope!


I decided to open my horizons to the Internet!

I looked for new systems to speed up what most crippled my business is lead generation. Now I have to look for them, they came looking for me! I can stop bothering my acquaintances and friends.

Breathe new you too! We can use all the technology to achieve the dream well established from the beginning. That's where I started breathing again!

And you think, is to double! We are in touch! =) Estela Bulnes

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