Thursday, July 12, 2012

What is resentment

Resentment can have many meanings. Let's see what the dictionary says: feeling sad and content of which is believed abused and hostility towards the perpetrators of evil trato.Sentimiento painful and content ... for how long? ... For some it may last a lifetime, for another 20 years, 10 years, 5 years ... and for those who feel resentment over "Light? (Do not know if the term "Resentment Light?, I'm making now) may take several days. I know some people like that are few but do exist. Are those who suffer a bad deal, get angry, but after a few days or hours and feel well. They look like little boys when they fight, are pulling their hair, and beat five minutes they are playing together again. I think that's why Jesus said that to enter the kingdom of heaven we have to go back to how niños.También are those who do not suffer, those are very rare indeed, but they exist. Nothing and no one torments. Have reached a state of mind as evolved, things happening outside of them no longer have meaning ... that great. I think this is the goal of every human being to a level of consciousness such that the only thing that makes sense is his inner world, where there is no place for insults, troubles, fights ... But we're not there yet, we continue with Let our theme ... other meanings of Resentment: irritation, anger, rage, fury, emotional agitation, inability to forgive, mistrust, emotional pain ... the list is very long and we could go looking for meanings for this word, but it would accomplish nothing, is important to know what it means, but more important is to heal the pain we carry within us.

To heal the resentment we need to know where we stand: 1 to 10, where are you? Check out some events that caused you pain, and answer the survey, where are you? ^ 0, are not resentful?, -5, You're half resentful?, ¿10, you are resentful at the end? Be honest with yourself is the first step to letting go of resentment. We can not delude ourselves, we can try it, but that only demonstrate our inability to change a wrong attitude. The second step is to forgive. We do nothing to know the meaning of the word resentment and to recognize in ourselves if we are unwilling to forgive. I know, must be very brave. To heal we must be brave. We have to face many monsters of the past, we have to face the fears we face the unknown ... but if we want to heal our wounds, no other way, we face all these erroneous thoughts we create in our mind in the course of our lives, and replace them with thoughts of love ... Only love heals. Forgiveness is just a tool that helps us connect with that being loving is within each one of us. And when we're there, you no longer need forgiveness, and who will not be forgiven, because there is no trial, pain and resentment ...


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