Monday, July 23, 2012

Learn All About The 3 most effective methods to Choose Baby's Sex It

What many people are asking is: Is it possible to choose the sex of the baby? Of course you can choose the sex of the baby depending on the scientific perspective. At present the methods and technologies used to solve the problems of fertility have reached a level of progress that doctors have the ability to "create" or identify embryos of a particular sex. There are various methods and techniques for you to choose the sex of the baby, the options are numerous, as well as its effectiveness, price and availability.

If you want to try some method to choose the sex of the baby, you have to take note that you must meet certain requirements are quite stringent, such that you married or have at least one child of the other sex. These constraints also involve an age limit or hormonal tests are designed to verify that you are not near your menopause.

We will discuss 3 well known and effective methods to select the sex of your baby:

MicroSortEste method is to identify the sperm that will result after the sex chosen to isolate and mark them using a dye. Marked sperm are introduced into your uterus, usually through artificial insemination.

The chances of success of this technique is around 92% for the selection of girls and 77% for the selection of men.

EricssonEste method is based on the separation of sperm, depending on the swimming speed, sperm being "male" faster than the "feminine." The selected sperm are introduced into the uterus through artificial insemination.

The discoverer of this method says that its effectiveness ranges between 85% un78 choosing a male and between 72 and 75% in the election of women.

Pre implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) This method is based on the technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF), after which embryos are created outside the womb, are examined to determine the sex of each one of these and also to rule out type of genetic disorder. Then they are introduced according to the chosen sex.

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